- Comfort Shim Kits for Amputees are manufactured at GINDOR of durable materials. learn more
- ASTM F 2878-10 * Standard Test Method for Protective Clothing Material Resistance to Hypodermic Needle Puncture. Gindor is the only approved supplier of the calibration material for testing to the ASTM F2878-10 specification.* The ASTM specification can be purchased at the ASTM standards website.
- Gindor Calibration Material Kit: Each kit contains 26 sets of test specimens, enough for 26 validations. A test specimen is 4 rubber pieces, 8.9 cm by 8.9 cm (3 1/2" by 3 1/2" inches) and Thickness 1.57 mm (.062" inches).
- Price: $225.00/Kit FOB Goshen, IN. All applicable taxes, shipping, and any special routings are not included in the price.
- To order call, mail or fax orders to Gindor, Inc. PO BOX 497, Goshen, IN 46527-0497 Phone: 574-642-4004, FAX: 574-642-4376.